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What to Juice and Why Vegetable Juices
By: Denice Moffat

During a juice fast, select juicing materials and teas specific to your health conditions. Most of the people I see in my practice do well on Dr. D?Adamo?s, Eat Right for Your Type Diet (www.dadamo.com). Because of this, I recommend juicing those fruits on the Highly Beneficial and Neutral Foods Lists specific to your blood type.

Organic vegetables are the best type to use, but if you can?t find or afford those, wash whatever you can find thoroughly before juicing them. And, if you don?t know your blood type, here is a short list of vegetables juices with the maladies they are good for:

Vegetable Juices:

? Asparagus?Kidneys, diuretic, blood purifier, bowel health, soothes nervous system (Note: urine will turn dark and have a different odor to it when you eat or drink a lot of asparagus. This is normal and harmless and will pass.)

? Beet greens?Gallbladder, liver, osteoporosis.

? Beets?Blood cleanser, liver cleanser, menstrual problems, arthritis, lymph glands, flushes the kidney and bladder, and is good for low blood pressure. (Note: never drink it straight as it can temporarily paralyze your vocal cords, cause hives, increase the heart rate and give you alternating chills and fever. Hmm?sounds like a good reason to stay away from beets altogether! They sure do taste ?earthy.?)

? Brussels sprouts?Good for diabetics and hypoglycemia, makes for healthy skin, increased male potency and stomach ulcers.

? Cabbage?Colitis, ulcers, and it curbs alcohol cravings. (Note: Do not store cabbage juice because its Vitamin U content can be quickly lost.)

? Carrots?Eyes, liver problems, high cholesterol, protects skin from UV rays, nervous problems (like Multiple Sclerosis), arthritis, osteoporosis, and low blood pressure.

? Cauliflower?Breast cancer

? Celery?Kidneys, diabetes, osteoporosis, good for people who sweat in excess, muscle cramps, fatigue, anxiety, stress, insomnia, headaches, air pollution, sweet cravings, low blood pressure, and obesity.

? Comfrey?Intestines, hypertension, osteoporosis.

? Cucumber?Edema, diabetes, tendonitis, skin tone, muscle tone, complexion problems, poor nail growth.

? Dandelion Greens?Spring tonic, strengthens blood and bones, increases stamina and energy. (Note: eat them early in the summer as they get bitter as they age.)

? Fennel?Night blindness, eye disorders, flatulence, blood strengthener, migraines, nausea.

? Garlic?Allergies, colds, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, high fats, diabetes, immune booster, anticarcinogen, antibacterial, antifungal, rids body of toxins through the skin, low blood pressure.

? Ginger root?Circulation, motion sickness, nausea, laryngitis, clears mucous in the throat, sinuses and lungs.

? Greens (Collard, Mustard, Turnip, Kale, Parsley, Spinach, Turnip, Chard)?Cardiovascular disease, skin, eczema, digestive problems, obesity, breath. (Note: Greens contain more than 100% of the RDA for Vitamin C and Vitamin A)

? Jerusalem artichokes?Diabetes.

? Jicama?Sooths upset stomachs, osteoporosis/osteopenia, and hemorrhoids.

? Kale?Constipation, bladder problems, arthritis, also see Greens.

? Lettuce?Lung cancer prevention, hair and nail strength, skin problems.

? Onion?Normalizes nervous system for sympathetic dominance, stimulates beneficial bacteria, breaks up mucous, low blood pressure. (Note: If you juice onions, put them in the juicer first THEN the other vegetables so the odor does not stay on the juicer parts.)

? Parsley?Kidneys, edema, arthritis, tendon and ligament problems, osteoporosis (has lots of natural calcium), one of the most nutritious foods in the world, boils and cysts, increases oxygenation of the blood, bad breath, stimulates normal peristalsis of the gut, vision problems, adrenal exhaustion, thyroid disease, obesity.

? Potatoes?Intestines, ulcer.

? Radish?Liver, high cholesterol, obesity, sinus problems, clears excess mucous, soothes sore throats.

? Spinach?Anemia, eczema, regenerates damaged intestinal tracts, constipation, circulation problems, cleans liver and glands.

? Sprouts?Baldness, morning sickness.

? String beans?Bruising.

? Sweet potatoes?Any kind of skin problems.

? Tomatoes?Use them alone or leave them alone, but adding celery and cucumber to it works fine.

? Watercress?Anemia, colds.

? Wheat grass?Anemia, liver, intestines, breath, excellent antioxidant, Parkinson?s disease.

? Zucchini?internal cleanser, fantastic as a mineral supplement.

Which vegetables are you most drawn to eating? Now I hope you know why. Happy juicing!

Dr. Denice Moffat is a practicing naturopath, medical intuitive, and veterinarian working on the family unit (which includes humans and animals) through her phone consultation practice established in 1995. She has a content-rich website at http://www.NaturalHealthTechniques.com and free internationally distributed monthly newsletter. To read more articles about juicing, fasting, dry brushing and enemas, go to: http://www.naturalhealthtechniques.com/HealingTechniques/healing_techniques1.htm

Denice Moffat - EzineArticles Expert Author

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